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Generate PyTorch Model Archive File

We will download the model files and generate a Model Archive file for the desired LLM, which will be used by TorchServe to load the model. Find out more about Torch Model Archiver here.

Make two new directories, one to store the model files (model_path) and another to store the Model Archive files (mar_output).


The model store directory (i.e, mar_output) can be the same for multiple Model Archive files. But model files directory (i.e, model_path) should be empty if you're downloading the model.

Run the following command for downloading model files and generating the Model Archive File (MAR) of the desired LLM:

python3 $WORK_DIR/llm/ [--skip_download --repo_version <REPO_VERSION> --hf_token <HUGGINGFACE_HUB_TOKEN>] --model_name <MODEL_NAME> --model_path <MODEL_PATH> --mar_output <MAR_EXPORT_PATH>
Where the arguments are :

  • model_name: Name of a validated model
  • repo_version: Commit ID of model's HuggingFace repository (optional, if not provided default set in model_config will be used)
  • model_path: Absolute path of model files (should be empty if downloading)
  • mar_output: Absolute path of export of MAR file (.mar)
  • skip_download: Flag to skip downloading the model files
  • hf_token: Your HuggingFace token. Needed to download and verify LLAMA(2) models. (It can alternatively be set using the environment variable 'HF_TOKEN')


The following are example commands to generate the model archive file.

Download MPT-7B model files and generate model archive for it:

python3 $WORK_DIR/llm/ --model_name mpt_7b --model_path /home/ubuntu/models/mpt_7b/model_files --mar_output /home/ubuntu/models/model_store
Download Falcon-7B model files and generate model archive for it:
python3 $WORK_DIR/llm/ --model_name falcon_7b --model_path /home/ubuntu/models/falcon_7b/model_files --mar_output /home/ubuntu/models/model_store
Download Llama2-7B model files and generate model archive for it:
python3 $WORK_DIR/llm/ --model_name llama2_7b --model_path /home/ubuntu/models/llama2_7b/model_files --mar_output /home/ubuntu/models/model_store --hf_token <HUGGINGFACE_HUB_TOKEN>