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Certificate Trust

CAPX invokes Prism Central APIs using the HTTPS protocol. CAPX has different methods to handle the trust of the Prism Central certificates:

  • Enable certificate verification (default)
  • Configure an additional trust bundle
  • Disable certificate verification

See the respective sections below for more information.


For more information about replacing Prism Central certificates, see the Nutanix AOS Security Guide.

Enable certificate verification (default)

By default CAPX will perform certificate verification when invoking Prism Central API calls. This requires Prism Central to be configured with a publicly trusted certificate authority. No additional configuration is required in CAPX.

Configure an additional trust bundle

CAPX allows users to configure an additional trust bundle. This will allow CAPX to verify certificates that are not issued by a publicy trusted certificate authority.

To configure an additional trust bundle, the NUTANIX_ADDITIONAL_TRUST_BUNDLE environment variable needs to be set. The value of the NUTANIX_ADDITIONAL_TRUST_BUNDLE environment variable contains the trust bundle (PEM format) in base64 encoded format. See the Configuring the trust bundle environment variable section for more information.

It is also possible to configure the additional trust bundle manually by creating a custom cluster-template. See the Configuring the additional trust bundle manually section for more information

The NUTANIX_ADDITIONAL_TRUST_BUNDLE environment variable can be set when initializing the CAPX provider or when creating a workload cluster. If the NUTANIX_ADDITIONAL_TRUST_BUNDLE is configured when the CAPX provider is initialized, the additional trust bundle will be used for every CAPX workload cluster. If it is only configured when creating a workload cluster, it will only be applicable for that specific workload cluster.

Configuring the trust bundle environment variable

Create a PEM encoded file containing the root certificate and all intermediate certificates. Example:

$ cat cert.crt
<certificate string>
<certificate string>

Use a base64 tool to encode these contents in base64. The command below will provide a base64 string.

$ cat cert.crt | base64
<base64 string>


Make sure the base64 string does not contain any newlines (\n). If the output string contains newlines, remove them manually or check the manual of the base64 tool on how to generate a base64 string without newlines.

Use the base64 string as value for the NUTANIX_ADDITIONAL_TRUST_BUNDLE environment variable.

$ export NUTANIX_ADDITIONAL_TRUST_BUNDLE="<base64 string>"

Configuring the additional trust bundle manually

To configure the additional trust bundle manually without using the NUTANIX_ADDITIONAL_TRUST_BUNDLE environment variable present in the default cluster-template files, it is required to:

  • Create a ConfigMap containing the additional trust bundle.
  • Configure the prismCentral.additionalTrustBundle object in the NutanixCluster spec.

Creating the additional trust bundle ConfigMap

CAPX supports two different formats for the ConfigMap containing the additional trust bundle. The first one is to add the additional trust bundle as a multi-line string in the ConfigMap, the second option is to add the trust bundle in base64 encoded format. See the examples below.

Multi-line string example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: user-ca-bundle
  namespace: ${NAMESPACE}
   ca.crt: |
    <certificate string>
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    <certificate string>
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

base64 example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: user-ca-bundle
  namespace: ${NAMESPACE}
  ca.crt: <base64 string>


The base64 string needs to be added as binaryData.

Configuring the NutanixCluster spec

When the additional trust bundle ConfigMap is created, it needs to be referenced in the NutanixCluster spec. Add the prismCentral.additionalTrustBundle object in the NutanixCluster spec as shown below. Make sure the correct additional trust bundle ConfigMap is referenced.

kind: NutanixCluster
  name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}
  namespace: ${NAMESPACE}
      kind: ConfigMap
      name: user-ca-bundle
    insecure: false


the default value of prismCentral.insecure attribute is false. It can be omitted when an additional trust bundle is configured.

If prismCentral.insecure attribute is set to true, all certificate verification will be disabled.

Disable certificate verification


Disabling certificate verification is not recommended for production purposes and should only be used for testing.

Certificate verification can be disabled by setting the prismCentral.insecure attribute to true in the NutanixCluster spec. Certificate verification will be disabled even if an additional trust bundle is configured.

Disabled certificate verification example:

kind: NutanixCluster
  name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}
  namespace: ${NAMESPACE}
    insecure: true