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Custom Cloud Native role

Cloud Native solutions can be deployed on the Nutanix Cloud Platform by a user with administrative permissions. In various scenarios, this is not desired and a least privileged user should be used to deploy solutions.

This page will illustrate the steps required to create a custom Cloud Native role in Prism Central that can be assigned to Prism Central users. The custom role will be created using Ansible and the Nutanix Ansible Collection.



  • (Optional) Export environment variables to authenticate to Prism Central.
    export NUTANIX_HOST=<Prism Central FQDN/IP>
    export NUTANIX_USERNAME=<Prism Central Username>
    export NUTANIX_PASSWORD=<Prism Central Password>
    Ensure the user has the required permissions to create a role in Prism Central.


These variables can also be specified directly in the Ansible Playbook. See the Nutanix Ansible documentation for more details.

  • Create a new Ansible playbook YAML file (for example role.yaml) that uses the ntnx_roles module. See the example
  • Invoked the playbook: ansible-playbook role.yaml
  • When the role is created, go to Prism Central and assign users.



Update the role_name variable if a different name for the custom role is desired.

- hosts: localhost
    - nutanix.ncp
    role_name: "Cloud Native Role"
    - name: Create Cloud Native role
        state: present
        name: "{{ role_name }}"
          - name: "Create_Category_Mapping"
          - name: "Create_Image"
          - name: "Create_Or_Update_Name_Category"
          - name: "Create_Or_Update_Value_Category"
          - name: "Create_Virtual_Machine"
          - name: "Delete_Category_Mapping"
          - name: "Delete_Image"
          - name: "Delete_Name_Category"
          - name: "Delete_Value_Category"
          - name: "Delete_Virtual_Machine"
          - name: "View_Category_Mapping"
          - name: "View_Cluster"
          - name: "View_Image"
          - name: "View_Name_Category"
          - name: "View_Project"
          - name: "View_Subnet"
          - name: "View_Value_Category"
          - name: "View_Virtual_Machine"
        wait: true


Verify the documentation of the cloud native solution on the required list of permissions.