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Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Installer Provisioned Installation on Nutanix AOS (AHV)


Visit the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform documentation to learn more about the tested AOS and Prism Central versions.

Installation Prerequisites

Certificate Requirements

If your Prism Central instance is using the default self-signed SSL certificate, the certificate must be replaced with one signed by a publicly trusted CA. The installation program requires a valid public CA-signed certificate to access to the Prism Central API. For more information about replacing the self-signed certificate, see the Nutanix AOS Security Guide.

Prism Central certificates created using Let's Encrypt may need to be added to your system trust before you install an OpenShift Container Platform cluster. If you do not already have access to the Prism Central CA certificate bundle, it can often be exported from your browser after visiting the Prism Central URL.

If your Prism Central certificate is not chained to a trusted public CA, the CA certificate must be added to the additionalTrustBundle section of install-config.yaml after it is created. Follow the process documented in OpenShift documentation to add the certificate. It is not required to configure the documented proxy sections, only to add the certificate.

Additionally, after installation manfiests are created, the proxy spec in the cluster proxy manifest must be updated to specify that the user-ca-bundle CA bundle is trusted. For example, in manifests/cluster-proxy-01-config.yaml:

    kind: Proxy
      creationTimestamp: null
      name: cluster
        name: "user-ca-bundle"


Starting from Openshift 4.12, additionalTrustBundlePolicy can be specified in install-config.yaml. When setting the additionalTrustBundlePolicy to Always, the user-ca-bundle will automatically be configured in the manifests/cluster-proxy-01-config.yaml file.

Firewall Requirements

During an IPI installation, Prism Central's Image Service directly downloads the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) image that is required to install the cluster. The Image Service must have access to download the RHCOS image from

  1. Review the OpenShift documentation for further steps on preparing your environment for installation.


  1. Review the OpenShift documentation to complete the installation.

Post Install

  1. Follow the post install instructions to complete cluster configuration.