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Custom Model Support

In some cases you may want to use a custom model, e.g. a custom fine-tuned model. We provide the capability to generate a MAR file with custom model files and start an inference server using it with Torchserve.

Generate Model Archive File for Custom Models


The model archive files should be placed in a directory accessible by the Nutanix package, e.g. /home/ubuntu/models/<custom_model_name>/model_files. This directory will be passed to the --model_path argument. You'll also need to provide the --mar_output path where you want the model archive export to be stored.

Run the following command for generating the Model Archive File (MAR) with the Custom Model files :

python3 $WORK_DIR/llm/ --skip_download [--repo_version <REPO_VERSION> --handler <CUSTOM_HANDLER_PATH>] --model_name <CUSTOM_MODEL_NAME> --model_path <MODEL_PATH> --mar_output <MAR_EXPORT_PATH>
Where the arguments are :

  • model_name: Name of custom model
  • repo_version: Any model version, defaults to "1.0" (optional)
  • model_path: Absolute path of custom model files (should be a non empty folder)
  • mar_output: Absolute path of export of MAR file (.mar)
  • skip_download: Flag to skip downloading the model files, must be set for custom models
  • handler: Path to custom handler, defaults to llm/ (optional)

Start Inference Server with Custom Model Archive File

Run the following command to start TorchServe (Inference Server) and run inference on the provided input for custom models:

Where the arguments are :

  • n: Name of custom model
  • d: Absolute path of input data folder (optional)
  • a: Absolute path to the Model Store directory