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Deploying Inference Server

Start and run Kubeflow Serving

Run the following command for starting Kubeflow serving and running inference on the given input:


  • n: Name of model
  • d: Absolute path of input data folder (Optional)
  • g: Number of gpus to be used to execute (Set 0 to use cpu)
  • f: NFS server address with share path information
  • m: Mount path to your nfs server to be used in the kube PV where model files and model archive file be stored
  • e: Name of the deployment metadata
  • v: Commit id of model's repo from HuggingFace (optional, if not provided default set in model_config will be used)
  • t: Your HuggingFace token. Needed for LLAMA(2) model.

The available LLMs model names are mpt_7b (mosaicml/mpt_7b), falcon_7b (tiiuae/falcon-7b), llama2_7b (meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf).
Should print "Inference Run Successful" as a message once the Inference Server has successfully started.


The following are example commands to start the Inference Server.

For 1 GPU Inference with official MPT-7B model and keep inference server alive:

bash $WORK_DIR/llm/ -n mpt_7b -d data/translate -g 1 -e llm-deploy -f '' -m /mnt/llm
For 1 GPU Inference with official Falcon-7B model and keep inference server alive:
bash $WORK_DIR/llm/ -n falcon_7b -d data/qa -g 1 -e llm-deploy -f '' -m /mnt/llm
For 1 GPU Inference with official Llama2-7B model and keep inference server alive:
bash $WORK_DIR/llm/ -n llama2_7b -d data/summarize -g 1 -e llm-deploy -f '' -m /mnt/llm -t <Your_HuggingFace_Hub_Token>

Cleanup Inference deployment

Run the following command to stop the inference server and unmount PV and PVC.

python3 $WORK_DIR/llm/ --deploy_name <DEPLOYMENT_NAME>
python3 $WORK_DIR/llm/ --deploy_name llm-deploy