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Generating Model Archive File

Download model files and Generate MAR file

Run the following command for downloading model files and generating MAR file:

python3 $WORK_DIR/llm/ [--repo_version <REPO_COMMIT_ID>] --model_name <MODEL_NAME> --output <NFS_LOCAL_MOUNT_LOCATION> --hf_token <Your_HuggingFace_Hub_Token>

  • model_name: Name of model
  • output: Mount path to your nfs server to be used in the kube PV where model files and model archive file be stored
  • repo_version: Commit id of model's repo from HuggingFace (optional, if not provided default set in model_config will be used)
  • hf_token: Your HuggingFace token. Needed to download LLAMA(2) models.

The available LLMs are mpt_7b (mosaicml/mpt_7b), falcon_7b (tiiuae/falcon-7b), llama2_7b (meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf).


The following are example commands to generate the model archive file.

Download MPT-7B model files and generate model archive for it:

python3 $WORK_DIR/llm/ --model_name mpt_7b --output /mnt/llm
Download Falcon-7B model files and generate model archive for it:
python3 $WORK_DIR/llm/ --model_name falcon_7b --output /mnt/llm
Download Llama2-7B model files and generate model archive for it:
python3 $WORK_DIR/llm/ --model_name llama2_7b --output /mnt/llm --hf_token <Your_HuggingFace_Hub_Token>